Remote Work Realities: Managing Stress, Mental Health, and Your Success with Mental Health America

Thursday, September 14, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM PDT

Webinar starts in 2 days

Webinar will be recorded

About this Webinar

Is Working Remotely Affecting Your Mental Wellbeing?

Join Suzi Craig, VP of Workplace Mental Health at Mental Health America to learn about the impact of work stress on our health, especially during increasingly taxing times. Remote work offers great benefits and flexibility. Research shows that, for some, overworking, isolation, and other outcomes of working remote can negatively impact mental wellbeing. During this 45-minute presentation with a 15-minute Q&A, attendees will learn about mental health in the workplace, what happens when stress turns into something more, strategies for self-support when working remote, and what we can do to help ourselves or others who struggle with mental health challenges.

About Suzi Craig

Suzi Craig is the VP of Workplace Mental Health at Mental Health America (MHA). Suzi leads the strategic design and future direction of MHA’s workplace mental health programs. Suzi brings more than 20 years of experience leading strategic planning and entrepreneurial efforts, and partnership and program development. Prior to coming to MHA, Suzi was Chief Strategy Officer at Mental Health Connecticut (an affiliate of MHA). Suzi is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, a certified yoga instructor, and has a certification from Cornell in organizational design.



General Job Search

Duration: about 1 hour