US National Jobs - Remote, Work from Home, Part Time & Flexible Jobs

The U.S. probably has the highest number of remote and freelance jobs in the world. Many U.S. companies, from top-ranking Fortune 500 firms, such as Apple, 3M, Intel, Cisco, and MetLife, down to entrepreneurial startups, have strong... More

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  • 100% Remote Job Full-Time Employee
    CA, CO, DC, IL, GA, FL, MA, MD, MI, MN, NC, NJ, NY, OR, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, or US National 
    Design interactive music systems, create immersive aural atmospherics, and manage experiential audio consistency across the core game flow. Edit and implement Music and SFX at a shippable quality bar that's in line with the defined Audio direction...
  • 100% Remote Job Full-Time Employee
    US National (Not hiring in AR, CT, DE, HI, IA, KY, LA, ME, MI, MS, MT, NE, NH, ND, OK, SD, VT, WV, WI, WY) 
    Create, coordinate and execute all worldwide recruitment advertising and efforts, including online recruitment through ROSE and in-person audition events, consistently displaying cost saving approaches throughout the recruitment process.
    This employer is ranked as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere
  • Option for Remote Job Full-Time Employee
    Raleigh, NC, or US National 
    Collaborate with a small team to guide decisions for all things audio. Establish audio software and hardware requirements. Sound design for a wide range of game contexts - UI, gameplay, ambience, music, etc. Drive audio pipeline research and development.